Day: February 1, 2025

Using the Domino Effect to Plan Your Novel’s Scenes

Domino is a system of interlocking tiles with matching edges that are used to play positional games. When a domino is set down on its edge, it triggers other dominoes to fall in sequence until all the tiles have fallen and a complete chain is formed. The most common domino game involves two players and a double-six set. Each player draws seven dominoes from the stock, also called the boneyard, and places them face down in front of them. The players then take turns drawing from the remaining tiles and placing them on their opponent’s dominoes. The first player to get all their tiles in place wins the game.

The word “domino” has many meanings in English, but its most famous sense is that of a series of events that lead to the conclusion of a story or argument. Dominoes are a symbol of the effect that one action can have on another, and this idea of the domino effect is a useful concept for writers to understand when planning their manuscripts.

Whether you compose your novel off the cuff or use Scrivener to outline your book, plotting your story is ultimately about creating a series of scenes that advance the plot in a compelling way. If you write a scene that doesn’t impact the next scene in any meaningful way, it will feel flat. You might have a strong opening, but if the subsequent scene doesn’t build on it, you’ll lose your audience’s interest. Using the domino image to plan your scenes will help you make sure all the pieces are in place.

Domino’s Pizza CEO Don Meij uses the domino strategy in his leadership style at the restaurant chain, as demonstrated in a recent episode of the CBS show Undercover Boss. Meij sends his managers to work at different locations of Domino’s in order to see how they interact with their employees and customers. By observing how each store’s dominoes fit together, Meij is able to identify which areas of the business are working well and which need improvement.

While each Domino’s Pizza location is unique in its own way, Meij and his team have identified a few key elements that are essential to the success of each franchise. One of these is putting the stores in the right location, a strategy that worked for the company when it was beginning to grow rapidly. By focusing on locating the stores near college campuses, Domino’s was able to reach a core demographic while also growing its revenue.

Hevesh is a professional domino artist who creates intricate displays for movies, TV shows, and even event like the launch of an album by pop star Katy Perry. Her YouTube channel, Hevesh5, has more than 2 million subscribers who watch her create spectacular domino setups. Her largest installations take several nail-biting minutes to fall, but each domino is designed to fall exactly as planned.

Hevesh tests each domino in a set before she puts them all together to make sure they work correctly. This allows her to fix any problems before the final display is completed. She uses a variety of designs, including straight lines, curved lines, grids that form pictures when they fall, and 3D structures like towers and pyramids.

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