A common problem with horse race metaphors is that they lead to an over-emphasis on the frontrunners of the campaign, thereby overshadowing the substance and character of candidates. As a result, horse race metaphors are often used to highlight the physical beauty of candidates, rather than their substance.
Less uncertainty
Less uncertainty in horse races is a benefit to bettors. An experienced bettor will be able to pick horses that have a positive expected value and inside information. In contrast, casual bettors usually miss signals and wrongly evaluate expected value. Hence, they end up favoring longshots, creating a longshot bias. The information asymmetry leads to net winners and losers.
The use of advanced drugs has resulted in a variety of side effects. The use of powerful painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs has bled over to race preparation, making horses unable to feel pain. Growth hormones, blood doping, and anti-psychotics have also flooded the industry. Racing officials were unable to keep up with the growing list of drugs and the testing capacity was insufficient. Also, the penalties for violating rules were weak.
Besides betting casually, horse race spectators include bettors. These can range from clueless to highly experienced. Some bettors win and some lose. If the odds were zero, rational bettors would not bet at all. However, some bettors make money with horse races, despite the uncertainty. The reason behind their bets is that they believe their expected value is higher than zero.
The asymmetric information and signals that accompany a race are critical factors in abettor’s decisions. The ability to interpret these signals correctly is essential in evaluating horse races. Although these factors are important, less uncertainty does not necessarily make a bet more profitable. If you’re an experienced bettor, you’ll be able to recognize signals and evaluate the expected value. Conversely, the average casual bettor is more likely to bet on color or number, or bet based on misinterpreted statistics.
Less fear
Less fear is an important part of a horse’s training. When a horse is afraid of something, it will try to move away or back off from the situation. Likewise, a horse that is afraid of the farrier will step away. By understanding the causes of horse fear, you can train your horse to have less fear.
While it is difficult to predict the way a horse will react to a new stimulus, you can use your knowledge of the herd and its instincts to your advantage. When your horse goes forward, you should move with it. Holding it back only adds to its fear, worry and anxiety. In addition, a horse’s weight is much larger than yours, so holding him back will only make him more frightened.
Horses rely on their agility and speed to escape danger. However, any circumstance that impairs their ability to flee may trigger a stress response. Jumps racing, for example, is a high-risk activity that involves collisions, awkward landings, and falls. In fact, a recent study in South Australia and Victoria found that a 3.3% fall rate was reported. This is significantly higher than the number of horses that hit the obstacles. Therefore, the majority of these horses will experience some degree of fear during a race.